Debugging the MMU2 connection
If you encounter issues with the communication between the printer board and the MMU2, please enable
#define MMU2_DEBUG
in Configuration_adv.h and connect a serial terminal to the USB port of your printer board using Pronterface, Repetier Host, Octoprint, or Arduino IDE.
The following describes a startup sequence without issues
This is the debug output you should see in the serial terminal
Startup sequence
- Power on or reset
- Marlin bootscreen, MMU2 will do its init sequence: different LEDs lighting up, idler drum will move/home
Marlin bugfix-2.0.x (or whatever version you are using)
MMU <= reset
- MMU2 will do its init sequence again
MMU => ‘start’
MMU <= ‘S1’
MMU => 103 (value depends on the MMU2 firmware version)
MMU <= ‘S2’
MMU => 212 (value depends on the MMU2 firmware version)
MMU <= ‘M1’ (only if you enabled 12V mode in Configuration_adv.h)
MMU => ok (only if you enabled 12V mode in Configuration_adv.h)
_MMU <= ‘P0’
_MMU => 0
## First tool change
When a tool change command like T0 is sent the first time, the following should happen
MMU <= ‘T0’
- MMU2 will home the selector and load filament from the first lane to the extruder
MMU => ‘ok’